2012년 7월 26일 목요일

[생각] 내 나이를 사랑한다.

나의 삶..

조금더 멀리 드넓게 볼 수 있는 시야를 갖게 되었고

여유있는 웃음과 흔들리지않는 굳은 신념



한줄기의 주름(?)


2012년 7월 25일 수요일

[타즈매니아/안작데이]Anzac day

[타즈매니아/보타닉가든] Tasmania/Botanic Gardens

[타즈매니아/활쏘기연습] Tasmania/archery

[타즈매니아/웰링턴마운틴]Tasmania/Wellington Mountain

삶은 등산과 같고
친구는 그 등산길의 동료와 같다고 말이지..
등산로 입구에서 그렇게 만났던 사람들은 다 어디로들 가버렸는지
올라갈수록 인적은 드물어지고
그리고 외로워진다는 것을 말이야.
설사 누군가를 만나 함께 걸을 수는 있지만
때로는 운이 좋아 정상까지 함께갈수도 있지만
대게는 갈림길에서 헤어지거나,
각자가 걷는 길의 속도에 따라 만나고 또 헤어지고한다는 것을...

Image source. Mike facebook
07 May 2012 Wellington Mt.

[경제리포트]Getting young Indians to choose tea over coffee

India is traditionally a tea-drinking country.
But Indians are gaining a new tastefor coffee.
This has led international coffee companies to consider moving into the market.
At the same time, local business people are looking for new ways to profit
from the country's tea-drinking trandition.
They are opening new places that offer tea.
Coffee shops have spead from major cities like New Delhi and Mumbai
to smaller towns.
In the 10years, cafes have become increasingly popular.
India's huge population of yonug people has quickly taken to the coffee culture.
Indians now drink twice as much coffee as they did ten years ago.
The success of the coffee market has gained the attention of foreign companies
like Starbucks.
The American-based company will open its 1st store in India later this year.
Other company like Lavazza and Costa coffee are already there.
The head of the India coffee trust,
Anil Kumar Bhandari, praises Starbucks's decision. He says
cafes in India have become central to the lifestyle of the young middle-class.
He says coffee companies like Starbucks "Should have been here before"
Almost any cafe chain which has a resonable quality wth its service, ambiance and
food and coffee first will succeed in this contry.
"Look at the young population" He says, "they are all taking to it like ducks to water."
India has over billion people.
Business experts point out that half of them are under the age of 25.
Yet even with the growth in coffee drinking, Indians still drink eight times more tea.
They have been drinking tea for more years.
India is also one of the world's biggest producers of tea, or chai, as people
call it locally.
Indians usually drink tea at home or in offices or buy it mostly from street sellers.
But some business people hope to change that.
Amuleek Singh Bijral is thirty-six years old and a graduate of Havard
University in the United States.
He opened a place called Chai Point in Bangalore, the center of India's
information technology industry.
In less than a year thirteen more Chai point locations have opened in the city.
One tea drinker in Bangalore welcomes the new outlets:
Out of home options like this are new, especially since coffee drinking has boomed
in the last couple of years. This is  a little different.

Source site. http://voaspecialenglish.com